Asbury United Methodist Church
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Reach Up, Reach In, Reach Out

Our Pastor

Reverend Doreen Smalls was born and nurtured in Ehrhardt, South Carolina. She received a Bachelors of Science degree in Management and Finance from the University of South Carolina. Her professional career primarily consisted of healthcare management and finance.
She relocated to Columbus, Georgia, and continued a career in healthcare as a Medicare fraud investigator. After accepting God’s call into ordained ministry, she entered The Interdenominational Theological Center/Gammon Seminary in Atlanta, GA to engage in further theological studies. She completed her studies with academic honors in 2005 and graduated with a Masters of Divinity in Pastoral Care/Psychology of Religion. She was ordained an elder in full connection in the South Georgia Conference in 2008. 
She has served as the senior pastor for the St. Mary’s Circuit (Carnegie UMC, Greater Trinity UMC and Pinkney Chapel UMC) and Grace United Methodist Church.  Additionally, she was appointed as an Associate Director of the Office of Connectional Ministries, as well as Conference Secretary of Global Ministries for the South Georgia Annual Conference.  Since 2012, she has served as senior pastor here at Asbury.