Asbury United Methodist Church
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Reach Up, Reach In, Reach Out


Acolytes - Youth who assist with worship service during the processional and recessional. 
Children's Ministry - Works with our children to teach them the Word of God using fun activities. Our ministry leaders are Safe Sanctuary trained. 
Christian Education - Evening Bible Study (Wednesday), Midday Bible Study (Tuesday), Sunday School, Vacation Bible School 
Music Ministry - Chancel Choir, Men's Jubilee Chorus, Soul Stirrers 
Nursery Ministry - Works with Asbury's littlest angels to engage them during worship service. 
Outreach Ministry - Responsible for Asbury's participation in community service. Activities include volunteering monthly at the Inner City Night Shelter and the annual Wesley
Prayer Warriors - Meet monthly to talk to God in prayer. They also give our congregation the "message of the month."
United Methodist Men - The 2012 United Methodist Book of Discipline charged the General Commission on United Methodist Men with the "primary oversight for the coordination and resourcing of men's ministry with The United Methodist Church." The UMM's mission is to help men grow in Christ, so others may know Christ.
United Methodist Women - The United Methodist Women's mission initiatives include: providing opportunities to grow spiritually;  equipping women and girls to be leaders; providing transformative educational experiences; organizing for growth and flexibility; working for justice through service and advocacy.  
Ushers and Greeters - The Usher Board and Greeters are the first people you encounter when entering Asbury, and their job is to welcome you into our church and answer any questions you may have.
Youth Ministry - Works with our youth to teach them the Word of God using fun activities. Our ministry leaders are Safe Sanctuary trained.